Your HEALTH and your ADHD are not separable. Let's elevate both!

health and career coaching, consulting
Are you ready to start living your best life? Let’s do this together.

Hi, I’m Karen! Your coach for ADHD and nutrition, with a focus on gut health and autoimmune disorders. With the ADHD certification, I can support you in all areas of life, including career, relationships, and health. My mission is to help you create a life that aligns with your unique needs and strengths.

As someone with ADHD and a parent to children with ADHD and autism, I know firsthand the challenges that neurodivergent individuals face. While ADHD is not our whole personality, it affects every aspect of life—from managing our time and relationships to approaching our careers and health. Through my coaching, I aim to address these interconnected areas and provide holistic support.

For me, this journey is more than just a profession—it’s deeply personal. I spent years feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, wishing I had better knowledge to support my children and myself during their formative years. I have not realized many things until now, and I want to help others get there sooner.

I’ve also faced a lifelong challenge with food, trying countless diets and approaches, including eight years as a vegan. Despite my efforts to eat healthily, I struggled with persistent gut issues and eventually experienced significant, unexplained weight gain. This was my wake-up call. When doctors dismissed my concerns, I took matters into my own hands.

I began by reading extensively and advocating for myself with healthcare professionals. Eventually, I pursued multiple coaching certifications and immersed myself in holistic health, nutrition, functional medicine, and testing. This transformation made me realize that no one-size-fits-all solution for health or success exists. Everyone is unique, and the food, supplements, and habits that work for one person may not work for another.

I also learned that as holistic beings, our bodies often alert us to things we may not consciously recognize. Addressing those signals requires a personalized, whole-body approach.

Let’s work together to identify and overcome the roadblocks holding you back, discover your strengths, and craft a plan that suits your needs and life circumstances. It is time for you to feel confident, healthy, and like the amazing person you are. I’m here to support you every step of the way.


Health & ADHD Coaching

  • ADHD & Life Coach (in progress)

    I am currently enrolled in the "Basic ADHD & Life Coach Training Certification Program" and will continue with the advanced curriculum after completion.
    ADD Coach Academy

  • Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (in progress)

    I am currently in the process of getting certified as a "Transformational Nutrition Coach" which is an advanced health coaching certification.
    Institute of Transformational Nutrition

  • Functional Medicine Coach (Nov 2024)

    I am a certified coach by the leading institute for functional medicine in Germany. My skills include: Detoxification · Mitochondria medicine · Microbiom · Sleep Medicine · Genetics and Epigenetics · Micronutrients · Environmental Medicine · Functional Medicine · VNS Analyse · Laboratory Skills
    IFMS Institut Funktionelle Medizin und Stressmedizin

  • Mindvalley Viome Nutrition Coach (Feb 2024)

    This certification teaches the fundamentals of personalized gut health and general health testing to find the optimal nutrition and supplement scheme for an individual.
    Mindvalley & Viome

  • Mindvalley Holobody Coach (Jan 2023)

    The Mindvalley Holobody certification teaches a holistic concept to support all areas of health such as nutrition, sleep, circadian rhythm, fitness and stress management.

  • Further education and certification

    I am constantly expanding my knowledge an professional skills. New courses and seminars I attended will be added here.
    Certified Dietary Supplement Professional (CDSP)
    Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis
    Integrative Cannabis Specialist (ICS)
    Forever Young - Better Aging: Mitochondrien & Vorsorge

Fun Facts

Karen Fredrich, holistic health coach, career consultant, ADHD coaching
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